再次说明,建议大家不要用HDCCTV的LOGO和其他技术标准。 用“HD-SDI”好了。# I7 n+ I9 r0 q6 I0 x# J2 ]
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Dear Friend,+ ]# {" E; C. |0 k$ u
& y" i6 [$ f" J4 b* E" m) BI am writing to you because at some point over the last 3 years, you have taken the time to create an account on the HDcctv Alliance website. You may have done so because you wanted more information about the HDcctv technical specification. I am delighted to report that the HDcctv 1.0 specification is now available for direct download.: M& k7 E& a% E; ^: E9 Y
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Please visit http://bit.ly/y6fCD8 to access the technical documents.
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3 P' V9 f! @0 f4 D# k3 GYou can download the Master Specification S0001 at no charge. Page 5 of S0001 depicts the HDcctv 1.0 document relationships. The documents highlighted in that figure make up the core of HDcctv 1.0 and are available for download from http://bit.ly/y6fCD8. You may download individual documents for A$15 each, or you can access all of the documents at no additional charge, and enjoy other membership benefits, by becoming an Affiliate Member of HDcctv Alliance. If you would like to upgrade to Affiliate Membership, please follow these steps:
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# G5 ^5 U( T; ]3 u4 x+ N; _Log to your account at www.highdefcctv.org
6 r& X& K$ Z0 |: K% ZClick on your user name near the top middle of the screen, to update your profile
, F) R7 R2 r) o+ I7 g* [; @Scroll down to the box labeled "Personal Professional Membership"
1 s1 u F* x5 ~Select the pull-down item "Annual Affiliate Membership - $99 AUD"$ \4 N# Z7 W5 {, z1 p
Complete the PayPal process- After a brief (at most one day) delay for confirmation, your Affiliate Membership will be active upon login
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