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发表于 2007-5-27 20:29:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

- t# u& N3 G4 W% \9 ?- i8 T+ c/ T 客户要求如下,如果哪家工厂可以做,请和我联系
& N& b( R2 X. M9 O/ e > The application that we have in mind is similar to others that we commonly
" g4 }4 g) ^- B > have. If we were to pay for FCC approval, we would want to use the modem
, |: ~, }0 H4 g > units in all similar applications under the same approval number.
) {, ?+ i* L5 _5 B6 c) a0 t > Therefore, we would like to be able to configure the units to a specific
7 L. d' A* D, P' w, i& W! h> application. For the business that we do, this approach will yield more
& y4 ] q, D; `> sales based on the same product and approval. We are interested in the
: o3 {% {3 n) T+ w. X8 s: d> following specifications:
3 {0 r" i4 b3 `/ x a' a >
0 Z& j ]# Q3 H: W! d5 y > - 2 inputs at the Transmitter with three possibilities;
$ Y: q, ?# [* D' h- @ > 2 analog
H2 A* }2 k0 t% g$ `) w> 2 digital
" g- t/ A5 P5 y- h> 1 analog and 1 digital
! `/ ` @ k- r9 d" o% h' c2 @ >
$ l+ J; I; s6 Q8 H* T$ n7 E0 | > - 2 outputs at the Receiver with three possibilities to match inputs
) f* M) I9 u7 d3 o/ c>
1 I2 k) M$ K v > - Ability to configure/define analog Transmitter input ranges through
5 C. f: ~& L! @- f. Y> simple programming method to correspond with full-range analog Receiver
, |0 @! G2 o- O: R8 O > outputs (0 - full voltage).
3 ?, |2 g- H7 J! J! N; g2 p+ @ >
2 x0 {3 v: z R- ^, V8 l* | > - Ability to configure and set sample rates for the inputs.
4 L$ @+ Z8 N U& E# b >
9 H* Y0 ]# }0 v> - Digital output on Transmitter that turns on during the sampling period.
5 O& P' M5 F+ I4 f* `>
: {7 S( v' E7 T> - Ability to configure a power saving Sleep Mode in the Transmitter by
1 v" x& F, o y6 S. y- \ > both software control and input hardware control.
) I, G* x) {- @6 o" _8 T >
# [3 W% }4 R8 L u& c5 u0 A9 {> In order to configure the units, we would need a way to make the
5 Y& x# p6 C# E( g> settings. This would preferably be from a computer terminal so that
. l2 V6 ?0 R2 P- |9 e > configurations can be saved or easily duplicated for production volumes.
+ d S/ \" F( u9 H$ Z* ?> The units should be small and compact with shielding, and able to mount
3 V+ i( u* t+ j `* z$ _) S > to a printed circuit board with header connector.
. ^1 U$ S0 j& C2 T1 w/ A>
/ v8 q q1 ~2 r% ~ > At this time, we are interested in samples of a pair of modems that
+ K" q* k# S4 d. Z$ r+ B4 x3 E > might be similar to this proposed system. We do not expect that you
" o: w& ~6 F9 |) t5 `, @, a > provide all of these specifications at this time. I can describe our
% r- r2 A' \1 ^" K- F! t > immediate application needs in the next email if this project is of
% X: ~% o. A. _> interest to you. Perhaps you can make the samples by those
; t! g; ]( N2 u W e' k* [ > specifications. This will allow us to test your radios before we move
) J$ y/ j) h# I9 n- f7 j+ P> forward. We are interested in your 900MHz radio to start.
$ s, f9 ]* s3 z 婴儿用产品
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